
10 questions – test your knowledge!

Geography Quiz Norway

Which countries does Norway border? And how (amazingly) long is the country’s coastline? 10 questions – 10 answers. Test your knowledge in our entertaining Geography Quiz Norway!


What is the name of the mountain range that runs through almost the entire Norwegian mainland?

Correct! Wrong!

With which countries does Norway have a land border?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the approximate length of the Norwegian mainland from north to south (maximum)?

Correct! Wrong!

Approx. 200 kilometers: What is the name of Norway's longest fjord?

Correct! Wrong!

All fjords and bays included: How long is the coast of the Norwegian mainland?

Correct! Wrong!

How high is Galdhøpiggen, Norway's highest mountain?

Correct! Wrong!

How many islands surround the Norwegian mainland?

Correct! Wrong!

Rank these three countries according to their size, please. The winner is ...

Correct! Wrong!

How many inhabitants does the Norwegian capital Oslo have?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the name of Norway's largest lake?

Correct! Wrong!

Geography Quiz Norway
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Und eine deutsche Version gibt es natürlich auch: Geographie-Quiz Norwegen.

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